


"I'LL BE AWAY FOR AT LEAST TEN DAYS, CISSIE. I'M STOPPING in Paris on the way back, you know. I just thought you'd be better off at Debbie's than staying here all alone," Miss Cindy was explaining as I sulked around the kitchen. Even as her servant I enjoyed her company, and it upset me that she was going to Milan for a major assignment. The fall collections had just been shown and Cindy had been chosen as one of only two models for a big photo spread to review them. She was excited, and I was excited for her, but I didn't like to think about her being away for so long.

"Miss Debbie likes you, Cissie, and it's not like you don't know her. She'll be working during the day, but she thinks she'll be home every night. And she said she'd love to have you.


I sulked around the kitchen and living room as Cindy followed me around explaining all this to me. I didn't want her to go, but I was enjoying her attention at least. She'd been dating some guy pretty regularly, and with that and her modeling career and everything, I hadn't seen much of her lately.

"Well..." Cindy said, giving up, "if you insist on staying here I won't stop you, Cissie. But I still wish you'd go to Miss Debbie's. I just think you'd be happier keeping busy. Once I leave and you clean up for a day or two, you won't have anything to do here but sit around.


A few days before Miss Cindy's flight, Miss Debbie came over for a drink. She seemed friendly and pretty nice.

"My place is smaller than this," she said. "I'd like you to clean and cook a little, Cissie, but it will be easy compared to what you're used to here. You'll probably even have time to watch some soaps! And I'd love having you stay with me while your mistress is in Europe.


I finally decided to stop sulking and take her up on the offer to stay with her while Miss Cindy was away.

"YOU BE GOOD AT MISS DEBBIE'S, O.K.?" MISS CINDY TOLD ME AS I finished packing her last suitcase. I was feeling sad and I was afraid I might cry, so I was being quiet and trying to be calm. (The hormones messed up my emotions, too. I'd be sad one day and happy the next-how do girls cope with all that?)


"Miss Debbie's going to send a cab for you and your things this evening, Cissie, so finish what you have to do here today, and close the place up. The desk knows we'll be gone, so they'll keep the mail and everything."

Cindy grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me seriously.

"I want you to be good, Cissie. My friends think I have the best maid in the city, male or female, and I want you to keep up our good reputation. You understand?"

"Yes, M-miss," I said, upset from her going more than from her instructions to "be good.


Suddenly the limo driver was at the door. Cindy went and tipped him and told him to take her luggage down.

"I'll be right down," she yelled as she came back into the kitchen where I was.

"I'll call you at Debbie's from Italy, Cissie. I'll bring something back for you. And you'll get something extra if Miss Debbie says you've been really good.

Cindy hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and I could feel that she'd miss me too. I smiled even though I was feeling a little teary-eyed. She looked at me for a second seriously, then she smiled and swatted my bottom firmly.


"You get those dishes done now, Cissie. I'll be back home before you know it. And have a good time at Miss Debbie's. "Yes, Miss," I said, feeling happy from her warm hug. "Have a good time, Miss — knock 'em dead in Milan!"


THE TAXI WAS SUPPOSED TO WAIT FOR ME AT 6:30 RIGHT OUTSIDE the front entrance, so I was all packed and ready to go by 6:15. Miss Debbie had called and told me she thought it would be neat if I wore my uniform under one of Cindy's big old rain coats instead of wearing some of Cindy's jeans. And since it actually was raining, I decided to do it. Under the black raincoat I wore my gray day uniform and apron. I put on white athletic socks to hide my nylons and an old pair of tennis shoes Cindy had saved for me.

The desk called right at 6:30 and told me the taxi was there. They called me "Joey," since to them I was Miss Cindy's assistant and personal secretary. They knew I lived with her, but I think most of them thought I was gay. Sometimes I think the guy behind the desk envied me anyway. They were so taken with Cindy, they might not have even minded being gay to live with her!